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Thursday, July 15, 2010

my apologies

Little blog? It would appear that I forogt about you. The thing is, recently I have become very active on Facebook, and I have been posting my pictures on there religiously. So much, in fact, that I forgot you existed. I am deeply sorry.

Huge high-fives to anyone who still visits this ol' blog. :-)

I'm gonna try to make it up to you, by catching you up on the activities of recent months, via a random selection of my pictures. Here goes...

Momma and Noah.

A trip to the zoo - the lion.

Delicious Summer watermelon.

Fruits and veggies (for my Mom's food blog.)

Garden feet.



A flower pot.

Flibs and Abby.

An old vintage recipe box.


Ice cream!


Our flag.

Me, playing with my lens cap.


Sisters, again.


Flowers in front of a church window.

I love flowers, by the way.

A lot.

Pictures from when I got my newest lens.


Dogwood blooms.

My newest cousin!

More pretty flowers.

And a few more flowers. ;-)

4th of July cobbler.

A crowded hallway.

Precious boy. ^_^

Electric blue nails. :-D

Little miss green eyes.
So, do ya forgive me? :-)


Alisha @ Unusual Passions said...

If the picture is of your hands, who took the picture?? haha, I love these! What kind of camera do you have?

Mrs. Wolfe said...

Tripod and self-timer. :-)

Thanks!! Right now I have an Olympus E-510. Still saving up for my Canon 5D. :-)